January 18-25, 2025, online registration opens June 1st - see attached information flyer

Transfers - from Bozeman included with registration stating what time you must arrive by and depart by to utilize, or will be on individual shuttles and prices

IKON pass good, Base pass has Sunday as blackout date. Additional day ticket 24-25 group price TBD (last year was $150)

Group Lift ticket for Adult 5 days is $923 

Big Sky Freestyle Pass - 3,4 or 5 day resort pass product.  Pre May 2nd price was $500 for adult 5 day. Currently you need to register to get their newsletter to know when they will go back onsale. 

CSC Room drop date is JULY 1st - so those wanting to go on the trip should sign up by JUNE 28th, or take their chance on being able to get more rooms and will be at that rate.

Lodging is at the Huntley with breakfast daily, there are only 3 Big Horn condos available, and TLs did not recommend them. 

Package Price:  Huntley $1800 plus lifts and air, Big Horn $1300

**If you club wants to run it as a club trip and add an upcharge, let Sara know so she can set your pages up, get you marketing post cards, and a TL sign on for your club.